32 Myter om klimaet du ikke skal hoppe på
896 år
9.11 To Armageddon
A history of Greek Mathematics vol 1
A Mathematical History of the Golden Number
A New Concept of the Universe
A Short History of the Bible
A Theory of Natural Philosophy
Advaita Vedanta Up to Sankara and His Pupils
American Indian Freemasonry
Americas Assignment With Destiny
An inquiry Into The Nature Of The Human Soul
Ancient Egypt - The Light of the World 1
Ancient Egypt - The Light of the World 2
Ancient Myths, Ancient Wisdom (Preview)
Astrological World Cycles
Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity's Pagan Root
Astrotheology for Life (Preview)
Atomic Suicide
Babylon's Banksters
Bible Myths and Parallels to Other Religions
Born in Blood
Brave New World (Fagre nye verden 1932)
Causality electromagnetic induction and gravitation
Celestial Dynamics, A Course of Astro-Metaphysical Study
Celsus on the True Doctrine - A Discourse Against the Christians
Christ in Egypt - The Horus-Jesus Connection
Conspirator's Hierarchy - The Story Of The Committee of 300
Damascius Problems and solutions Concerning First Principles
Dance of the Zodiac - Rhythms and Patterns of Creation
Demons Of The Third Reich
Dope-inc. - By a US labor party investigating team
Dødelig medicin og organiseret kriminalitet
Dumbing Us Down
Electric Discharges, Waves and Impulses
Empire of The City
Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols
Financial vipers of Venice
Forsknings Frihed
Four lectures on relativity and space
From light Into Darkness
God Save Us From Religion
Gravitational Force of the Sun
Gravity is a Myth and Does Not Exist
Gu vil jeg ej!
Guardians of the Sun-Door
Hamlet's Mill
Hermetic Masonry
History fiction or science 1-4
History of the Jesuits, Their Origin, Progress, Doctrines, and Designs
Hopper Medieval Number Symbolism
How Einstein Ruined Physics
Human Caused Global Warming
Iamblichus and the Theory to the Vehicle of the Soul
Jesus and the Lost Goddess - The Secret Teachings of the Original Christians
Julian's Against the Galileans
Klima Myten - Et opgør med tidens Co2-panik
Le diable au XIXe siècle (1894)
Lost Language Of Symbolism Vol 1
Lost Language Of Symbolism Vol 2
Lost Light - An Interpretation of Ancient Scriptures
Lost Star of Myth and Time
Magnetism And Its Effect On The Living System
Manilius Astronomica
Morals and Dogma
Myth and Trauma (Preview)
New World Order (1940)
Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism
Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth
Philosophical Investigations into the Essence of Human Freedom
Philosophy and Theurgy in Late Antiquity
Philosophy As a Rite of Rebirth
Plato Complete Works
Plotinus - The Descent of the Soul
Plutarch Moralia Volume V
Porphyry's Against the Christians - The Literary Remain
Porphyrys Launching-Points to the Realm of Mind
porphyrys Letter to His Wife Marcella
Red Sea is Your Blood - The New Enlightenment
Return of the Golden Age
Revelations - Alien Contact and Human Deceptions
Romanism and the Reformation
Select Works of Plotinus
Selected Letters of Ananda Coomaraswamy
Sethian Gnosticism and the Platonic Tradition
Shattering the Myths of Darwinism
Star Myths of the World - Vol. 1 - The Ancient world-wide system (Preview)
Star Myths of the World - Vol. 2 - Greek mythology (Preview)
Star Myths of the World - Vol. 4 - Norse Mythology (Preview)
Star Myths of the World Vol. 3 - Star Myths of the Bible (preview)
Stellar Theology & Masonic Astronomy
Suns of God Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled
Symbols, Sex and the Stars
Syrianus on Aristotle Metaphysics 3-4
The Astrological Foundation of the Christ Myth - Book 1
The Astrological Foundation of the Christ Myth - Book 2
The Astrological Foundation of the Christ Myth - Book 3
The Astrological Foundation of the Christ Myth - Book 4
The astronomico - theological lectures of the Rev.
The Bible Fraud
The Biggest Lie Ever Told
The Black Bible Of Science
The Black Pope, A History of the Jesuits
The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You to Read
The Christ Conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold
The Christians as the Romans Saw them
The Crucifixion of Truth
The Devil's Pulpit
The Divine Pymander of Hermes Trismegistus
The Door In The Sky
The Esoteric Structure Of The Alphabet
The Four Gospels - Esoterically Interpreted
The Great European Secret
The Hermetica, The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs
The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ - Separating Fact from Fiction
The Holy Science
The Hymns Of Zoroaster Usually Called The Gathas
The Jesuit Conspiracy, The Secret Plan of the Order
The Jesus Mysteries - Was the Original Jesus a Pagan God
The Laughing Jesus - Religious Lies and Gnostic Wisdom
The Light of Egypt - The Science of Soul and Stars vol 1
The Light of Egypt, The Science of the Soul and Stars vol 2
The Magnetic Blueprint Of Life
The Mathisen Corollary (Preview)
The Occult Anatomy of Man and Occult Masonry
The Papal Billions
The Platonic Doctrines of Albinus
The Presocratic Philosophers
The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross
The Secret History of the Jesuits
The Secret in the Bible
The Secret of Light
The Secret teachings of all ages
The Self-Made Tapestry
The six million Fact or Fiction 7. edition
The stars - A new way to see them
The Theology of Arithmetic
The Thirteenth Tribe
The Threefold Life of Man
The Twin Deception
The Two Babylons
The Ultimate Canon of Knowledge
The Undying Stars (Preview)
The Universal One
The unknown god (Negative theology in The Platonic Tradition, Plato to Eriugena)
The Vatican Against Europe
The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors - Christianity Before Christ
The Wreck of the Titan
They Lied to Us in Sunday School
Thrice Great Hermetica and the Janus Age
Time and Eternity
Uncovering the missing secrets of magnetism 3. edition
Upadesa Sahasri
Vaccination Proved Useless and Dangerous
Vatican Assassins
Vivekachudamani translated by Swami Madhavananda
Weapons Of Mass Destruction
What is civilisation? And other essays
Who is the King of Glory?
Who set Hitler up against Stalin

George Orwell †


Johannes Krüger

32 Myter om klimaet du ikke skal hoppe på

Erling Hagensen

896 år

William Stuart

9.11 To Armageddon

Sir Thomas Heath

A history of Greek Mathematics vol 1

Roger Hertz-Fischler

A Mathematical History of the Golden Number

Walter Russell †

A New Concept of the Universe

Læs bogen

Bronson C. Keeler

A Short History of the Bible

Roger Joseph Boscovich †

A Theory of Natural Philosophy

Læs bogen

Karl H. Potter

Advaita Vedanta Up to Sankara and His Pupils

Arthur Caswell Parker

American Indian Freemasonry

Læs bogen

Manley P. Hall †

Americas Assignment With Destiny

Læs bogen

Andrew Baxter

An inquiry Into The Nature Of The Human Soul

Gerald Massey

Ancient Egypt - The Light of the World 1

Læs bogen

Gerald Massey

Ancient Egypt - The Light of the World 2

David Warner Mathisen

Ancient Myths, Ancient Wisdom (Preview)

Læs bogen

Tara Mata (Laurie Pratt)

Astrological World Cycles

Jan Irvin & Andrew Rutajit

Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity's Pagan Root

David Warner Mathisen

Astrotheology for Life (Preview)

Læs bogen

Walter Russell †

Atomic Suicide

Læs bogen

Joseph P. Farrell Dr.

Babylon's Banksters

Thomas W. Duane

Bible Myths and Parallels to Other Religions

John J. Robinson

Born in Blood

Læs bogen

Aldous Huxley

Brave New World (Fagre nye verden 1932)

Læs bogen

Oleg D. Jefimenko

Causality electromagnetic induction and gravitation

Thomas H. Burgoyne

Celestial Dynamics, A Course of Astro-Metaphysical Study

R. Joseph Hoffmann

Celsus on the True Doctrine - A Discourse Against the Christians

D.M. Murdock

Christ in Egypt - The Horus-Jesus Connection

John Coleman

Conspirator's Hierarchy - The Story Of The Committee of 300

Læs bogen

Sara Ahbel-Rappe

Damascius Problems and solutions Concerning First Principles

William Schreib

Dance of the Zodiac - Rhythms and Patterns of Creation

William Stuart

Demons Of The Third Reich

Suzanne Humphries


Lyndon LaRouche

Dope-inc. - By a US labor party investigating team

Læs bogen

Peter Gøtzsche

Dødelig medicin og organiseret kriminalitet

John Taylor Gatto †

Dumbing Us Down

Charles Proteus Steinmetz †

Electric Discharges, Waves and Impulses

Læs bogen

E. C. Knuth

Empire of The City

Læs bogen

Adele Nozedar

Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols

Læs bogen

Joseph P. Farrell Dr.

Financial vipers of Venice

Heine Andersen

Forsknings Frihed

Charles Proteus Steinmetz †

Four lectures on relativity and space

Læs bogen

Stephen Mehler

From light Into Darkness

Ian Ross Vayro

God Save Us From Religion

Pari Spolter

Gravitational Force of the Sun

Robert Otey

Gravity is a Myth and Does Not Exist

Per Nygaard

Gu vil jeg ej!

Ananda Coomaraswamy †

Guardians of the Sun-Door

Læs bogen

Giorgio de Santillana & Hertha von Dechend

Hamlet's Mill

Læs bogen

Frank C. Higgins

Hermetic Masonry

Anatoly Fomenko

History fiction or science 1-4

G.B. Nicolini

History of the Jesuits, Their Origin, Progress, Doctrines, and Designs

Læs bogen

Vincent Foster Hopper

Hopper Medieval Number Symbolism

Roger Schlafly

How Einstein Ruined Physics

Tim Ball

Human Caused Global Warming

John Francis Finamore

Iamblichus and the Theory to the Vehicle of the Soul

Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy

Jesus and the Lost Goddess - The Secret Teachings of the Original Christians

R. Joseph Hoffmann

Julian's Against the Galileans

Johannes Krüger

Klima Myten - Et opgør med tidens Co2-panik

Gabriel Jagond-Pager (Leo Taxil)

Le diable au XIXe siècle (1894)

Harold Bayley

Lost Language Of Symbolism Vol 1

Harold Bayley

Lost Language Of Symbolism Vol 2

Alvin Boyd Kuhn Dr. †

Lost Light - An Interpretation of Ancient Scriptures

Læs bogen

Walter Cruttenden

Lost Star of Myth and Time

Albert Roy Davis & Walter C. Rawls Jr.

Magnetism And Its Effect On The Living System

Læs bogen

G. P. Goold

Manilius Astronomica

Ananda Coomaraswamy


Albert Pike

Morals and Dogma

Læs bogen

David Warner Mathisen

Myth and Trauma (Preview)

Læs bogen

H. G. Wells

New World Order (1940)

Læs bogen

Algis Uždavinys †

Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism

Læs bogen

John G. Jackson

Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth

F. W. J. Schelling

Philosophical Investigations into the Essence of Human Freedom

Læs bogen

Algis Uždavinys †

Philosophy and Theurgy in Late Antiquity

Læs bogen

Algis Uždavinys †

Philosophy As a Rite of Rebirth

Læs bogen

John M. Cooper and D.S. Hutchinson

Plato Complete Works

Thomas Taylor

Plotinus - The Descent of the Soul

Frank Cole Babbitt

Plutarch Moralia Volume V


Porphyry's Against the Christians - The Literary Remain


Porphyrys Launching-Points to the Realm of Mind


porphyrys Letter to His Wife Marcella

Læs bogen

Alvin Boyd Kuhn Dr. †

Red Sea is Your Blood - The New Enlightenment

Læs bogen

Edward F. Malkowski

Return of the Golden Age

Jacques Vallee

Revelations - Alien Contact and Human Deceptions

Grattan Guinness

Romanism and the Reformation

Læs bogen

Thomas Taylor

Select Works of Plotinus

Læs bogen

Ananda Coomaraswamy †

Selected Letters of Ananda Coomaraswamy

Læs bogen

John D. Turner

Sethian Gnosticism and the Platonic Tradition

Læs bogen

Richard Milton

Shattering the Myths of Darwinism

David Warner Mathisen

Star Myths of the World - Vol. 1 - The Ancient world-wide system (Preview)

Læs bogen

David Warner Mathisen

Star Myths of the World - Vol. 2 - Greek mythology (Preview)

Læs bogen

David Warner Mathisen

Star Myths of the World - Vol. 4 - Norse Mythology (Preview)

Læs bogen

David Warner Mathisen

Star Myths of the World Vol. 3 - Star Myths of the Bible (preview)

Læs bogen

Robert Hewitt Brown

Stellar Theology & Masonic Astronomy

Acharya S.

Suns of God Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled

Ernest Busenbark

Symbols, Sex and the Stars

John M. Dillon - Dominic O'meara

Syrianus on Aristotle Metaphysics 3-4

Læs bogen

Claudiun Ptolemy


Malik H. Jabbar

The Astrological Foundation of the Christ Myth - Book 1

Malik H. Jabbar

The Astrological Foundation of the Christ Myth - Book 2

Malik H. Jabbar

The Astrological Foundation of the Christ Myth - Book 3

Malik H. Jabbar

The Astrological Foundation of the Christ Myth - Book 4

Robert Taylor

The astronomico - theological lectures of the Rev.

Læs bogen

Tony Bushby

The Bible Fraud

Malik H. Jabbar

The Biggest Lie Ever Told

Osei Kufuor Dr.

The Black Bible Of Science

M.F. Cusack

The Black Pope, A History of the Jesuits

Læs bogen

Tim C. Leedom

The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You to Read

Acharya S.

The Christ Conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold

Robert Louis Wilken

The Christians as the Romans Saw them

Tony Bushby

The Crucifixion of Truth

Robert Taylor

The Devil's Pulpit

Læs bogen

G. R. S. Mead

The Divine Pymander of Hermes Trismegistus

Ananda Coomaraswamy †

The Door In The Sky

Alvin Boyd Kuhn Dr. †

The Esoteric Structure Of The Alphabet

Læs bogen

John P. Scott

The Four Gospels - Esoterically Interpreted

William Stuart

The Great European Secret

Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy

The Hermetica, The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs

Gerald Massey

The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ - Separating Fact from Fiction

Swami Sri Yukteswar

The Holy Science

Læs bogen

Kenneth Sylvan

The Hymns Of Zoroaster Usually Called The Gathas

Læs bogen

Abbate Leone

The Jesuit Conspiracy, The Secret Plan of the Order

Læs bogen

Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy

The Jesus Mysteries - Was the Original Jesus a Pagan God

Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy

The Laughing Jesus - Religious Lies and Gnostic Wisdom

Thomas H. Burgoyne

The Light of Egypt - The Science of Soul and Stars vol 1

Læs bogen

Thomas H. Burgoyne

The Light of Egypt, The Science of the Soul and Stars vol 2

Læs bogen

Albert Roy Davis & Walter C. Rawls Jr.

The Magnetic Blueprint Of Life

Læs bogen

David Warner Mathisen

The Mathisen Corollary (Preview)

Læs bogen

Manley P. Hall †

The Occult Anatomy of Man and Occult Masonry

Tony Bushby

The Papal Billions

Jeremiah Reedy

The Platonic Doctrines of Albinus

G. S Kirk & J. E. Raven

The Presocratic Philosophers

Læs bogen

John M. Allegro

The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross

Edmund Paris

The Secret History of the Jesuits

Læs bogen

Tony Bushby

The Secret in the Bible

Walter Russell †

The Secret of Light

Manley P. Hall †

The Secret teachings of all ages

Læs bogen

Philip Ball

The Self-Made Tapestry

Læs bogen

Peter Winter

The six million Fact or Fiction 7. edition

Læs bogen

H. A. Rey †

The stars - A new way to see them

Robin Waterfield

The Theology of Arithmetic

Læs bogen

Arthur Koestler

The Thirteenth Tribe

Læs bogen

Jacob Boehme

The Threefold Life of Man

Tony Bushby

The Twin Deception

Alexander Hislop

The Two Babylons

Læs bogen

Alvin Boyd Kuhn Dr. †

The Ultimate Canon of Knowledge

David Warner Mathisen

The Undying Stars (Preview)

Læs bogen

Walter Russell †

The Universal One

Læs bogen

Deirdre Carabine

The unknown god (Negative theology in The Platonic Tradition, Plato to Eriugena)

Læs bogen

Edmond Paris

The Vatican Against Europe

Læs bogen

Kersey Graves

The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors - Christianity Before Christ

Morgan Robertson

The Wreck of the Titan

Læs bogen

Ian Ross Vayro

They Lied to Us in Sunday School

Joseph P. Farrell Dr.

Thrice Great Hermetica and the Janus Age

Ananda Coomaraswamy †

Time and Eternity

Ken Wheeler

Uncovering the missing secrets of magnetism 3. edition

Læs bogen

Sri Sankaracharya

Upadesa Sahasri

Læs bogen

Alfred R. Wallace

Vaccination Proved Useless and Dangerous

Læs bogen

Eric Jon Phelps

Vatican Assassins

Læs bogen

Sri Shankaracharya

Vivekachudamani translated by Swami Madhavananda

John Taylor Gatto †

Weapons Of Mass Destruction

Ananda Coomaraswamy †

What is civilisation? And other essays

Alvin Boyd Kuhn Dr. †

Who is the King of Glory?

Nikolay Starikov

Who set Hitler up against Stalin

Læs bogen